Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day. Had dinner at home tonight with my sweetie. We spent most of the day painting the kitchen of our new house. It looks like hot chocolate. It rained most of the day but we need the rain. No sewing today with all the painting.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Like father like son

On his very first day of daycare my little grandson Mason got his first discipline referral. Is it possible an eight month old baby can hit another baby? Yup. He got a little excited with his toys and hit another playmate. The daycare wrote up an "incident report". Silly. This little precious thing couldn't hurt a fly. Mimi loves you Mason. Don't worry. Your daddy got in trouble his first day of school too.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

In the beginning...

After living vicariously through many, many other blogs I have decided to jump into the fray. I have noticed how talented other quilters are, the friendships forged and inspiration gained. I hope to gain all of the above.
So first...a little about me. I am a 50 year old woman, an empty nester with a son and daughter. My son is married and has an 8 month old son. I am the happiest "Mimi" alive. Mason is an absolute delight and I can't get enough of him. My daughter lives and works in Washington, DC. I miss her terribly ( she has been there 3 1/2 years). We scrapbook together when she comes home. It's the only time I scrap.
I am a school nurse at a high school. Every day is different. Some days are great and some not so much.
In my spare time I love to quilt. My earliest recollection of quilting is as a fourth grader cutting up scraps of my mom's fabric and trying to sew it together. I was not too successful in that endeavor--imagine trying to cut even squares with scissors. I learned to sew, mostly clothes, from my mom and of course in home ec. I took a beginning quilting class in 1980 at Daisy Kingdom in Portland, Oregon. I've been quilting ever since. I have also smocked, tatted, and tried my hand at tole painting. I always come back to my first love--quilting.
The name of my blog-- I am the worlds greatest starter of quilts. Finishing is another story. I have a huge stack of tops (or flimsy's) but none have been quilted and bound. That's my goal for this year.